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Mental Health Services

Community Particiption Supports
Fairweather Lodges
The Fair Weather Training Lodge Mental Health recovery house

Fairweather  Training Lodge

One of only three in the nation, the Fairweather Training Lodge is a voluntary mental health recovery model with professional, 24-hour, on-site staff that provides shared supportive housing for up to 12 months.  Members live and work together in a community home, while learning how to live and operate a Fairweather Lodge, according to Dr. Fairweather’s Principles. Members who successfully complete the Fairweather Training Lodge curriculum have the option to move into a regular Fairweather Lodge or alternative housing option of their choice.

Veterans stand next to a flag pole at the VTDC Veterans Fairweather Lodge

Veterans Fairweather Lodge

One of Pennsylvania’s first three Veteran-centric Lodges funded through a grant from Money Follow the Person.  The Fairweather Lodge model was created by Dr. George Fairweather in the 1960s for Veterans returning home from the Vietnam War to help prevent recurrent hospitalizations. Veterans live and work together in a community home as an intentional family, and operate the Lodge.

The Fairweather Lodge Building

Fairweather Lodge

The Fairweather Lodge was created by Dr. George Fairweather, and is now a national, voluntary mental health recovery model that provides permanent, shared supportive housing for people in mental health recovery.  Members live and work together in a community home as an intentional family, and operate the Fairweather Lodge, according to Dr. Fairweather’s Principles. 

Drop In Center

The Cove Building

The Cove

The philosophy of the Drop in Center is to provide an accepting, caring, non-clinical atmosphere where the participants feel they belong.

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